Elizaveta Povysheva (Aaltiorem)

Blogging house

In 2021, I managed to live in a blogging house. I will remember this atmosphere forever, the symbiosis of work and parties is admirable. I will remember the emotions from how people from the programs of which I once watched on the phone, right in front of you, are tired of a show that would not have been shown either on TV or on YouTube. This episode of my life greatly influenced me as an artist. In 2021, I managed to live in a blogging house. I will remember this atmosphere forever, the symbiosis of work and parties is admirable. I will remember the emotions from how people from the programs of which I once watched on the phone, right in front of you, are tired of a show that would not have been shown either on TV or on YouTube. This episode of my life greatly influenced me as an artist.
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